About bio•me topical vitamins

"Necessity is the mother of invention." I don't know who originally said that, but they are pretty smart. Necessity can be a real mother ...

Autoimmune and gut health issues plagued my family. As a Nutrigeneticist and Holistic Health expert, I knew my way around research data. I spent years combing over studies to find a definitive link ... sadly, no smoking gun. However, I did begin to see a pattern in vitamin deficiencies. That's when it hit me: If the gut is not functioning properly, of course vitamin absorption is compromised!! (Que the lightbulb over my head.) 

I began to brainstorm how to balance the body's vitamin levels in novel ways. (My family is extremely happy I kept researching beyond the enema idea).

That's how bio•me topicals was born. 

Each vitamin has been specifically blended with herbs and minerals to optimize the vitamin's properties as well as enhance the effects. Carriers bring the vitamins beyond the skin's epidermis and into the bloodstream, bypassing the gut. 

While balancing the body's vitamin levels was the goal, an interesting thing started happening to those who tried them ... they began to look and feel younger! Fine lines and wrinkles smoothed out, dry skin and eczema faded away, and energy levels soared! It's anti-aging from the outside in!

bio•me topical vitamins are a novel way to get your RDA. So, suck it up, buttercup!